carian dan capaian

Monday 17 December 2012

warna-warni idop

aku nak continue story about my life.. okeh, story pasal kawan2 yang sentiase ade kat sisi selain family tersayang.. i got so many besfren.. hmm they are irma, qiera n sue.. 3 budak xbetol nie da lame jd besfren aku.. haha.. xtahu la law dorang xde, maybe aku da jadi orang yang paling rugi kot lam dunia nie.. they coloured my life.. dats why entry nie name warna-warni idop. toink2! everything we share, time, money, love, joy, sadness, n bf.. eh2? bf? no2.. gurau jek.. hihi..  they were so special sampai aku xley nk gtau korang how special they are.. yang paling menariknye, dorang same prangai cam aku, giler2 cket, n suke wat lawak.. sbb tu lah kami bole ngam.. x ke gitu? hikhik.. so skrg kami berjauhan, 2 orang kt kl, 2 orang kt klate.. rindu sgt kt dorang.. betol.. rindu ssgat! hmm,balik nanti nak jumpe dorang, nak spent time mcm dlu2.. lepak, jalan2 wlaupun kdg2 duit xcukup.. haha.. dear friends, thanks coz sharing all the time with me, arap2 kite still cmnie sampai bile2, sampai korang da ade cucu cicit, n korang da tue.. aku xtue ok? haha.. last word, aku saye sep mu weh!!! =)

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